- 承担损害赔偿责任英文怎么说
- 甲方不承担赔偿损失的责任 Party a does not bear the liability for compen缉梗光妓叱幻癸潍含璃sation for the damag
- 1. 1.尊敬的各国代表,你们好 2.孟加拉国作为发展中国家,积极推行私有化政策、改善投资环境、吸引外国投资、创建出口加工区。3.世界作为一个整体,发达国家和发展中国家都不同程度承担着全球经济发展的责任。4.2008年,受国际金融危机影响,孟加拉出口下降,GDP增长率只有6.21%。 5..这意味着发达国家和发展中国家均有责任和义务通过加强合作来共同应对这场金融危机。我国认为发达国家作为主要经济体,具有更强的经济实力,也需承担更多的责任。孟加拉国发展中国家不会回避自己的责任,会与国际社会一道应对危机,发达国家作为主要经济体,具有更强的经济实力,也需承担更多的责任。6.我们生活在一个非同寻常的时代。如果我们能够在21世纪的前几十年探索出满足贫困人口需要且能社会认可的方法,那么我们就可以持续减少世界贫困人口。这项事业任重而道远,而这需要的是全世界的努力。
- On behalf of all 1 respect, hello2 Bangladesh as a developing country, actively promote the privatization policy, improve the investment environment, attract foreign investment,create export processing zone.3 the world as a whole, developed and developing countries have differentdegree of commitment to the global economic development responsibilities.4.2008 years, the impact of the international financial crisis, exportsdeclined, GDP growth rate of only 6.21%.5.. Means that the developed countries and the developing countries have the responsibility and obligation to pass to strengthen cooperation to jointly cope with the financial crisis.China believes that developed countries as the main economic body, has the stronger economic strength, also need to bear more responsibility. Thedeveloping countries will not evade their responsibilities, will work together with the international community to deal with the crisis, the developed countries as the main economic body, has the stronger economic strength,also need to bear more responsibility.6 we are living in an era of beautifully. If we can in the decades beforetwenty-first Century to explore meet the poor need and can be recognized by society, so that we can continue to reduce world poverty. This work has a long way to go, and this need is a worldwide effort.
- 有限合伙企业必须存在普通合伙人。那么在这个企业中的普通合伙人即承担无限责任的人该怎么确定
- 普通合伙、有限合伙与有限责任合伙的主要区别。 1.设立要求不同。一般来说,法律对有限合伙和有限责任合伙设立条件的要求严于对普通合伙设立条件的要求。对于普通合伙,只要有符合法律规定的合伙协议即可以成立。在有的国家,普遍合伙可以采取口头或者其他非正式的方式设立,甚至可以依当事人之间通常的行事方式来认定。但对干有限合伙和有限责任合伙,则有严格要求。有限合伙的合伙人之间不但要有合伙协议,还必须有经政府批准的有限合伙证书(即有限合伙章程)。有限责任合伙,法律一般要求其必须向政府有关部门提交专门注册表。 2.出资要求不同。一般情况下,普通合伙和(特殊普通合伙)有限责任合伙的合伙人,可以用劳务、信用出资。而有限合伙中的有限合伙人,则不得以劳务和信用作为出资,只能以货币、实物等向合伙组织投资。 3.经营方式不同。普通合伙和有限责任合伙的合伙人在合伙组织的经营管理方面具有同等地位,每个合伙人都有权对内经营管理合伙事务,对外代表合伙组织从事交易活动,都是合伙组织的代理人或代表人。而有限合伙,只是由其合伙人中的普通合伙人来经营管理。对于你的问题,关于连带责任1、有限合伙人对合伙组织债务只以其出资为限承担责任,普通合伙人对合伙组织的债务以其个人财产承担无限连带责任。责任承担方式有限合伙是英美法系国家的一种法律制度,其与大陆法系国家中的隐名合伙类似。有限责任合伙,英文名称为Limited Liability Partnerships(简称LLP),是指由两个或两个以上合伙人组成,各合伙人对自己执业行为引起的合伙组织债务承担无限责任,对其他合伙人的执业行为引起的合伙组织债务承担有限责任。2.普通合伙:合伙人以其个人财产对合伙组织债务承担无限连带责任。满意请采纳。
- 供货:在乙方完成订货,付款手续后,甲方承诺在15个(或商定的)工作日内按乙方要求出货。订货数量在500台以上的,需提前30天通知甲方备货,发货具体日期以书面或邮件通知为准。甲方根据乙方订单的数量,向乙方提供免费配件,相当于购买价值0.5%的等值零配件。 为了甲方产品在欧洲市场的影响力和占有份额,甲方应优先提供给乙方订购的产品。如15个工作日后,或者商定的出货日期拖延5天之后,甲方仍然不能安排出货时,每拖延1个工作日,以订货金额的1%作为赔偿乙方的损失。但假如甲方发生不可抗因素除外。 F:商品退换及售后服务由于甲方已承诺向乙方提供免费的,相当于购买价值0.5%的等值零配件,所有欧洲市场的售后服务由乙方负责,甲方不再支付售后的相关费用。如果有重大的批量问题,乙方可要求甲方支持分析并协助解决。H:索赔与赔偿责任如在乙方独家代理区域内,发现另有xxxx代理,并且是从生产工厂直接进货的。一经证实,乙方有权要求甲方给予赔偿。甲方承诺在10日内赔偿乙方的保证金金额。 经销商销售的产品,因消费者的使用方法不当引起的事故,甲方不承担任何责任。 甲乙双方签订合同后,在合同有效期内,甲方无理由解除合同时,甲方应在5个工作日内返还乙方保证金,并同时赔偿乙方等额保证金。 I:内容变更协议期内甲方如有意调整xxx供货价,应以书面形式或邮件的形式通知乙方,乙方接到通知后15天后开始生效,乙方在新价格生效日前的未完成订单,假如已经安排付款,按原价格计算执行。 J:合同终止和延续甲乙双方在没有违反合同的条件下,合同期有效期内双方不得单方面终止此合同。在双方达成共识下可以提前终止此合同。本合同期满后,双方没有任何争议时,合同有效期将自动延续1年;但是,每月销售量应该适当上浮,也可以本着互惠的原则适当调整合同其他条款。
- Supply of GoodsAfter the process of order and payment has been completed by Party B, Party A pledges to dispatch the goods according to Party B’s requirement within 15 working days (or the agreed days). For order exceeding 500, a prior notice of 30 days is required for Party A to prepare the stock; the specific dispatch date will be indicated by notice through post or e-mail. Party A shall provide free accessory parts proportionate to the ordered quantity, the value of the accessory parts is equivalent to 0.5% of the ordered value. In order to ensure the influence and market share of Party A’s products in Europe, Party A shall give priority to supply the goods ordered by Party B. In the event of Party A’s failure to dispatch the goods within 15 working days or the specified date agreed upon, Party A shall indemnify Party B 1% per day of the amount ordered after the 5th-day delay. However, this is not included in any force majeure event. F: Return Policy and After-sales ServiceIn view of the free accessory parts provided by Party A, the value of which is equivalent to 0.5% of the ordered value, all the after-sales services in the European market shall be the responsibility of Party B, Party A shall no longer bear any after-sales expenses. In the event of serious lot-size problem, Party B may request the support of Party A to assist in analyzing and resolving the problem. H. Indemnity Claim and Compensation LiabilityIn the event of finding other xxxx agents in the ex……余下全文
- parents share with schools responsibility for the advancement of their childrens knowledge.the teenage period is important in life because most people decide their majors and establish their values during this period.it is advisable for the parents to learn to listen to childrens ideas and encourage them to think on their own rather than decide everything for them.
- 父母与学校共同承担令其子女学识进步的责任。青少年期是人生中的重要时期,因为大多数人在此阶段中确定了专业并建立了价值观。建议家长学会倾听孩子的想法,并鼓励他们自主思维,而不是为他们决定一切。
- 谁能帮忙把这段话翻译成英文,随着我国食品质量安全、财务丑闻、环境污染等问题日益出现,公司以自身的最高利益为目标而越来越广泛地受到公众的质疑。由于,我国在社会责任报告披露规则制定方面,与国外相比较,起步较晚,或多或少会有一些不完整、不合理因素的存在。对此,我们不得不分析以我国制度为前提,上市公司社会责任信息披露问题进行研究所取得的成果,是否与国外已经取得的理论成果相一致,运用国外社会责任信息披露理论能否解释我国社会责任报告问题,这是我国社会责任信息披露制度修订时所需要认真考虑的。所以,在迅猛发展的经济下,保证上市公司社会责任信息披露的可靠性、公开性、制度性,为了广大公众的利益安全的需要。故而,研究上市公司社会责任报告披露问题具有理论和实践两个方面的意义。因为需要实践,所以要钻研理论从而为更加好的实践铺路修桥;因为要理论,所以更需要从大量的实际例子中汲取理论研究尚欠缺的理念和尚需修正的错误观点。针对理论研究,首先,前人尤其是我国的学者,对公司社会责任信息披露研究时所选择的数据多数是上市公司年度报告中所披露的社会责任信息,目前国内很少有专门针对上市公司社会责任报告披露的研究,主要原因是局限于上市公司社会责任报告研究样本量少。而我们则以上市公司的社会责任报告研究为主来进行主要的分析,通过分析经典案例的方式来分析比较上市公司的社会责任的信息披露报告,分析公司的内外部驱动因素对上市公司社会责任的影响。就实践意义而言,针对我国上市公司社会责任信息披露起步较晚,但是近年来发展迅速,上市公司社会责任信息披露逐步成为一种趋势。从决策有用性的角度出发,分析我国上市公司社会责任信息披露内容和披露质量存在的问题,帮助利益相关者了解我过上市公司社会责任信息披露的现状,从而让利益相关者更好的参与其中,不仅能够更好的从社会责任信息披露报告中获取有用信息维护自己的利益,而且也有助于监督上市公司遵循和承担社会责任。从而综合提高上市公司的社会责任披露报告,为完善上市公司的社会责任披露报告制度提供帮助。从而保证上市公司的治理水平,促进上市公司健康、可持续发展,促进资源有效的配置和合理流动,增加资本市场的信息披露透明度,建立更加完善、和谐的资本市场。
- As Chinas food quality and safety, financial scandals, environmental pollution problems have become increasingly, companies with the highest interests of their own goal and more widely questioned by the public. Because, in Chinas social responsibility disclosure rules setting, compared with foreign, started late, there will be some more or less incomplete, unreasonable factors exist. In this regard, we have to analysis to our country system as the premise, the problem of social responsibility information disclosure of listing Corporation research achievements, consistent with the theoretical results and abroad have made use of foreign countries, social responsibility information disclosure theory can explain our social responsibility report problems, this is the revision of the system need to seriously consider the social responsibility information disclosure in china. So, with the rapid development of economy, reliability, listing Corporation of social responsibility information disclosure, publicity system, to the benefit of the general public security needs. Therefore, research on listing Corporation social responsibility report disclosure has the significance of theory and practice two aspects. Because of the need of practice, so to study the theory and practice better roads, bridges; due to the theory, so it needs to draw the theoretical research is still lacking ideas monk from a number of examples are required for correction of erroneous views in. In theoreti……余下全文
- “鲶鱼效应”用英文怎么说
- catfish effect [词典] 鲶鱼效应; [例句]This is famous "catfish effect".这便是闻名的“鲶鱼效应”。鲶鱼效应,鲶鱼在搅动小鱼生存环境的同时,也激活了小鱼的求生能力。鲶鱼效应是采取一种手段或措施,刺激一些企业活跃起来投入到市场中积极参与竞争,从而激活市场中的同行业企业。其实质是一种负激励,是激活员工队伍之奥秘。需要强调的一点,在某些企业中,由于一些官僚长期无所作为或者无力承担新任务新责任,鲶鱼性人才成为企业正向肌功冠嘉攉黄圭萎氦联提升的动力。
- 我不想长大,因为长大要承担起成年人的责任;我不想长大,因为长大要离开爸爸妈妈独自去飞翔,但是终要学着长大独自去飞翔。我不想我不想不想长大;很不想很不想。翻译成英文
- I do not want to grow up, grow up to assume responsibility because adults; I do not want to grow up, grow up to leave because my parents alone to fly, but will eventually learn to grow up alone to fly. I do not wanna grow up; really do not want it do not want to.
求以下为内容在商业合同里的英文翻译, 多谢!
- 1. 鉴于:甲方向乙方采购货物,丙方做为乙方具有按订单要求交货的能力的保证人和甲方具有按时付款能力的保证人,且本协议项下的每笔交易由甲方与乙方另行签署《销售合同》,甲乙丙三方就与此相关的合作事宜签订如下协议。2. 乙方承担货物质量责任其售后服务,丙方代表甲方在货物到港后进行最终检验,在确保该货物满足订单要求后交付给甲方,如通过丙方检验合格但投入市场后仍出现大批量不良品和客户投诉,由丙方与乙方协商沟通解决,在此过程中双方不得向甲方主张任何权利。无论丙方与乙方商讨的结果如何,最终因产品质量问题导致的甲方的渠道等一切损失,均由丙方直接赔偿给甲方。赔偿方案按甲方与丙方另行签订担保合同执行。
- 1: Party A Party B in the procurement of goods, Party B has the ability for the order of the guarantor and Party A has theability to guarantee payment on time, and under this agreement by Party A and Party B each transactionseparately signed the "sales contract", the following agreement with the relevant cooperation signed a threeparty.2 Party B shall bear the responsibility for the quality of the goods and the after sale service to conduct final inspection on behalf of Party A, Party C after arrival of the goods, delivery to Party A in order to ensure that the goods meet therequirements, such as by Party C inspection but the marketstill appears after large quantities of defective products and customer complaints, Party C and Party B by consensus to solve communication, in this process the parties shall not claim any right to the party. No matter how the Party C and Party Bto discuss the final results, due to product quality problemscaused to Party A for all the losses of the channel, by Party Cdirect compensation to Party A. The compensation schemeaccording to Party A and Party C shall sign a guaranty contract execution.
英文claim the responsibility 什么意思
- TheTaliban claimed responsibility for the attack.比如上面这句话, 是指塔利班声称自己对这场袭击负有责任呢,还是说提出要求,要求发起这场袭击的人站出来承担责任?不要粘贴claim 的词典意思给我!谢谢
- 是塔利班发表声明对这场袭击负责。例子:Taliban claims responsibility for attack on US convoy in AfghanistanAttack on Pakistans historic church kills over 60, Taliban claim responsibility