七夕节的英文是”Chinese Valentine’s Day”,通常在每年农历七月初七,也就是中国农历的七月初七。
1、春节习俗,年夜饭:Spring Festival Customs, New Year’s Eve dinnero
2、元宵节,吃元宵:Lantern Festival, EAT Yuanxiao3、二月二,龙抬头:February 2nd Dragon Heads Up.
4、清明节习俗,踏青:Qingming Festiva Customs, outing.
5、端午节,吃粽子:Dragon Boa Festival, eating dumplings.
6、七夕节,女儿节:TANABATA Daughter’s 、中秋节,吃月饼:Mid-autumn festival, eating moon cakes.
8、重阳节,老人节:Double Ninth Festival, Old People’s Day.
9、建军节,八月一日:Army Day, August
10、冬至节,包饺子:Making dumplings for the winter solstice.Day.
11、腊八节,喝腊八粥:Laba Rice Porridge for Laba Festivalo
12、除夕,春节将至:New Year’s Evethe Chinese New Year is approaching.
- Chinese 粻礌纲啡蕺独告扫梗激Valentines Day;————用心为你答题,满意请采纳。
- —- Happy Chinese Valentines Day.
- —- Happy Chinese Valentines Day.
- 七夕节 时间:农历七月初七 习俗:妇女于七夕夜向织女星穿针乞巧等风俗,现在受西方国家的影响,中国越来越多的情侣把那天视为中国情人节,男女双方会互赠礼物,或外出约会。 来源:阴历七月七日的晚上称“七夕”。我国民间传说牛郎织女此夜在天河鹊桥相会。所谓乞巧,即在月光对着织女星用彩线穿针,如能穿过七枚大小不同的针眼,就算很“巧”了。
- July 7th dayTime: Lunar Chuqi JulyCustoms: women in July 7th night to Vega Qiqiao needle,custom, now under the influence of western countries,more and more China lovers to that day as ChineseValentines day, both men and women will be exchanging gifts, or out of date.Source: the lunar calendar July 7th night is called "July 7th". Chinese Folk Legend Legend of the night meeting inTianhe bridge. The Gregorian calendar, namely to colorline with Vega needle in the moonlight, such as throughseven different sizes of the eye of a needle, even if very"smart".